Golden Nugget: Your Peace of Mind Isn’t Up For Grabs

Golden Nugget from a dream:

Your peaceful state of being is a place to set boundaries, like a beautiful backyard you sit and admire.  Don’t let others fill the space with their demands, needs, obligations, or worries just because it looks like fertile ground.

It is the space you have waiting for you to recharge, rest, and quietly enjoy your life, in awe of the simple things that surround you. Give it the attention and protection it deserves.

(Join my Active Vivid Dreamers group on Facebook to share your dream nuggets, and see more).


Dream Meaning: Protecting Yourself From Chaotic People

Golden nugget:

Protecting and separating yourself from chaos & chaotic people doesn’t extinguish your fire.

It allows you to hold your spark in your hand, a safe place where you can manage it, and turn it into a beautiful flame, brightening and enlightening the world by simply being happy.

(Join my Active Vivid Dreamers group on Facebook to share your dream nuggets, and see more.)


Golden Nugget: Healing Your Vulnerable Self

Golden Nugget Meaning From a Dream:

Take care of your vulnerable pure emotional self like you are rescuing an abandoned baby or cat in the rain. This heals your soul so you can see the truth around you.

It clears your vision like looking through a crystal of truth, exposing the truth behind the facade in everything you see.

(Join my Active Vivid Dreamers group on Facebook.)
