Kathy lives in a small town in southwest Ohio, surrounded by natural wooded areas where she can tap into nature within a few steps of her back door. Since her retirement in 2022, she spends her time making gifts to share with family, friends, and people far and wide. She was a writer and researcher by profession, and credits her creative abilities to her travels and free spirit. Everything she makes is unique and homemade, and some can be purchased from her Etsy store under “Shop.” She’s also a vivid, active dreamer, and is often inspired by her dreams. She leads a dream group on Facebook, and can be contacted via email at kathpfeiff@fuse.net.
I was looking for info on owls of southwest Ohio and came upon ur ad. When I started reading it I immediately felt a wonderful peace of a kindred spirit. I will keep up with ur articles and posts. Thank u for ” putting yourself out there” for other people. I would love to go on a guided hike if u do that sort of thing. I live in Dayton, Ohio.
Hi Patti, I’m so glad you enjoy my articles and posts! Thank you for letting me know! Nice to know there is a kindred spirit out there!
Kathy 🙂